Every once in a while you stumble across something so amazing while out thrifting - you have to yell if from the rooftops. For me - it’s the pharmacy lamp that I found at a local thrift shop for $17.99. Guess how much it retails for. $3,000 and up! Don’t believe me - just click here. The moment I found that out, in my mind I was thinking “oh I’m going to sell this baby” - but once I got it home and put it in my space - I don’t think I can give her up. At least not yet. So let me take you back.

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My friend Rosalyn and I were at our favorite local thrift store walking around. She ended up getting a call that she needed to take, so I started to wonder off a bit. All of a sudden I saw this brass lamp and it had something attached to it with a rubber band. I walk very quickly over to it to look a little closer. What was attached to the lamp were glass rods. I thought “glass rods? I wonder what these are for” and at that moment Rosalyn starts walking towards me to see what I was looking at. We both then realized that the rods actually fit inside the lamp grooves making a full glass shade. MINE. I knew then that it was mine, but I didn’t know yet what it truly was. This is where Rosalyn always plays a key role - she loves to search online to see what the make is, what year it was made, how much is it worth, and so on. This is her thing, so immediately she went to work.

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She couldn’t find anything about it while we were in the store, but once I got home she sent me a link and my mouth dropped open. Here was my lamp. My exact lamp that I just scored for 18 bucks, for $3,200. Say what? And it was at that moment that I knew I was going to sell it. Maybe I wouldn’t get $3,000 for it, but even if I got half of that, it would still be a massive profit. But then I put all the rods in and placed it by my couch….


…and that’s when I said “or maybe I’ll keep it. If not forever, then at least for a while and when I get sick of it, then I could sell it” - so for now, it’s mine and I’m obsessed with it.


Oh and I forgot to mention - it works - with what looks like the original light bulb!!! #thisiswhyithirft


